Established in 1988 by a group of friends and supporters of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, the auxiliary organization became known as the Support Association to the Sunshine Coast Army Cadets (S.A.S.C.A.C) and was used to further enhance the Army Cadets’ cause, as stated in the Association’s Constitution: “to help the young people on the Sunshine Coast to divert their energies in the direction of good citizenship.”
The Association eventually changed its name to the Sunshine Coast Army Cadet Support Association (SCACSA). It is also known (unofficially) as the Support Committee or Support Association.

The Support Association plays an important role in the life of the Corps, raising funds that help supplement the program and introducing new youth to the program. The Support Association is a not-for-profit charity established to run the business of supporting the Corps and is not part of the Canadian Forces. All parents/guardians of Cadets enrolled in the Corps are members of the Sunshine Coast Army Cadet Support Association.
Download the SCACSA Parent Welcome Package
Currently, its Executive members are:
– President – Carson Kaizer
– Vice President – Mary Mavin
– Recording Secretary – Thea Bornman
– Treasurer – Anneke Van Swieten